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        JAMBI  - Guna melengkapi berkas kasus dugaan korupsi Rp72 miliar di PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPV) VI, Subdit III Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Tipikor) Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Khusus (Ditreskrimsus) Polda Jambi kembali melakukan pemeriksaan sanksi. Saksi tersebut akan dimintai keterangannya terkait kasus korupsi yang menjerat mantan Dirut PTPN VI, Iskandar Sulaiman. Keterangan tersebut untuk melengkapi berkas yang saat ini sudah dilimpahkan ke Kejaksaan. Dikatakan Dirkrimsus Polda Jambi, Kombes Pol Cristian Tory, proses penyidikan dugaan kasus korupsi di perusahaan plat merah itu masih berlanjut. Namun saat ini baru satu orang yang ditetapkan sebagai tersangka, yaitu pria berinisial IS. Berkas kasus korupsi ini juga sudah dilimpahkan ke kejaksaan. “Namun, ada kekurangan untuk dilengkapi sehingga berkas perkara dikembalikan dan ada beberapa tambahan yang harus dipenuhi. Pemeriksaan saksi hari Ini sebenarnya untuk memenuhi kekurangan tersebut,” ujarnya, Rabu...

How to Get a Cheap Sports Car

How to Get a Cheap Sports Car

Seru TV - When buying sports cars, the buyer must not only assess his needs and preferences, but more importantly, he must put everything in the context of his budget. Sports cars are generally priced not less than $15,000. However, there are some options available for buying cheaper but valuable sports cars.


An enthusiastic buyer may want to check out the local auctions that are held in his area. Some good sports cars can be bought cheaply in these auctions. However, the auction arena is not made for the faint-hearted buyer. Just like any other kind of auction, it is a stressful and fast environment. One must attend a couple or more auctions before actually trying to purchase a car from this kind of activity. 
Another downside of auctions is that there is no opportunity to test the car. In auctions, people buy cars "as they are." 

Car Exchange

Auto Exchange Centers may offer you the best cars at very reasonable prices. Buyers might want to do a little Internet research since car exchange centers do advertise their merchandise on the Internet. Remember that the market for cheap sports cars is a buyers' market, which means that you hold the aces when negotiating prices.

Private Seller

Buyers may also look for private sellers of sports cars. Some people need quick cash in cases of emergency so they are forced to sell their precious cars at very attractive prices. Be aware and watch out for such quality deals. 

The problem with dealing with private sellers is that once the purchase is made, the buyer is left on his own. He cannot run back to the seller to complain. 

Good Models that no one wants

There are good sports car models out there that are being taken for granted by the market. Because of trends in sports car demand, some of the good ones are being left out. This is a good thing for buyers who are looking for value for their money. Some Jaguar, Austin-Healey and Morgan car models are out there, up for grabs at great prices.

Sports cars are luxury cars, but that does not necessarily mean that they should be expensive.  Maybe the best things in life are not for free, but you can get good deals to get them. But at the end of the day, quality should be the main aspect that a buyer must look at in purchasing a cheap sports car.(red)