JAMBI - Guna melengkapi berkas kasus dugaan korupsi Rp72 miliar di PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPV) VI, Subdit III Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Tipikor) Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Khusus (Ditreskrimsus) Polda Jambi kembali melakukan pemeriksaan sanksi. Saksi tersebut akan dimintai keterangannya terkait kasus korupsi yang menjerat mantan Dirut PTPN VI, Iskandar Sulaiman. Keterangan tersebut untuk melengkapi berkas yang saat ini sudah dilimpahkan ke Kejaksaan. Dikatakan Dirkrimsus Polda Jambi, Kombes Pol Cristian Tory, proses penyidikan dugaan kasus korupsi di perusahaan plat merah itu masih berlanjut. Namun saat ini baru satu orang yang ditetapkan sebagai tersangka, yaitu pria berinisial IS. Berkas kasus korupsi ini juga sudah dilimpahkan ke kejaksaan. “Namun, ada kekurangan untuk dilengkapi sehingga berkas perkara dikembalikan dan ada beberapa tambahan yang harus dipenuhi. Pemeriksaan saksi hari Ini sebenarnya untuk memenuhi kekurangan tersebut,” ujarnya, Rabu...
How Fast Does Your Car Go?
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How Fast Does Your Car Go?
Seru TV - Given money to spend and a world of options when selecting a car, every car enthusiast goes for one option—getting a sports car. In the world of sports cars, however, there stands the basic criteria of speed, speed, speed, and, well, speed.
The fastest sports car according to various critics is the 1994 Dauer 962 LeMans, with acceleration speed of 2.6 seconds from 0 to 60 mph. The fastest Ferrari car is the 2002 Ferrari ENZO, and this one can accelerate from 0 to 62 mph at breakneck speed of 3.5 seconds. Other fast cars include a Chevrolet, a Dodge, a LeBlanc, a Renault, an Audi, and a Corvette, all of which have acceleration speeds of not more than 2.9 seconds from 0 to 60 mph.
Now, the question that begs answering is: what makes a fast sports car?
While stylistics make for a very good standard when getting a sports car, there’s more to the sleekness than just style. The very sleek and streamlined designs of these fast sports cars actually contribute to fantastic aerodynamics—making it much easier to drive the car fast without worrying about air resistance, air pressure, etc. In effect, the hot and sexy car design actually makes for more than aesthetics, but gives a boost to the speed and performance of the car.
Another feature that contributes to the speed of the car is its reduced weight. It’s evident in the reduced cargo capacity of a sports car. Luckily, this isn’t much of an issue with sports car enthusiasts. Related to cargo capacity and reduced weight is the fact that some sports cars may have smaller seating capacities, and usually are characterized by firmer, tighter rides, compared to the more spacious and comfortable rides offered by sports utility vehicles or sedans.
A last consideration in speed, however, is its general dynamics which include handling and drag when driving. A sports car has very little value if it cannot sustain its straight-line speeds when driving in tight curbs and ends up crushed after it hit a dead end. It is for this precise reason that even the fastest sports cars are usually rear-wheel driven rather than front-wheel driven, because of the fact that the rear-wheel drive provides greater traction and allows for the weight to be distributed evenly as the car makes a turn.
While there’s more to a sports car than just speed, it also doesn’t hurt that your sports car is fast. After all, the 1994 Dauer 962 LeMans is prized precisely because it rises above the speeds of every other fast sports car.(red)