JAMBI - Guna melengkapi berkas kasus dugaan korupsi Rp72 miliar di PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPV) VI, Subdit III Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Tipikor) Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Khusus (Ditreskrimsus) Polda Jambi kembali melakukan pemeriksaan sanksi. Saksi tersebut akan dimintai keterangannya terkait kasus korupsi yang menjerat mantan Dirut PTPN VI, Iskandar Sulaiman. Keterangan tersebut untuk melengkapi berkas yang saat ini sudah dilimpahkan ke Kejaksaan. Dikatakan Dirkrimsus Polda Jambi, Kombes Pol Cristian Tory, proses penyidikan dugaan kasus korupsi di perusahaan plat merah itu masih berlanjut. Namun saat ini baru satu orang yang ditetapkan sebagai tersangka, yaitu pria berinisial IS. Berkas kasus korupsi ini juga sudah dilimpahkan ke kejaksaan. “Namun, ada kekurangan untuk dilengkapi sehingga berkas perkara dikembalikan dan ada beberapa tambahan yang harus dipenuhi. Pemeriksaan saksi hari Ini sebenarnya untuk memenuhi kekurangan tersebut,” ujarnya, Rabu...
Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: Could it Work for You?
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Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: Could it Work for You?
Anxiety disorders can be very difficult medical conditions
with which to live. However, if you are suffering from panic disorder, social
phobias, generalize anxiety disorder, or any one of the number of other anxiety
disorders, all is not lost. By talking to your doctor, you can get help
controlling your symptoms and treating these disorders at the core. One form of
treatment you can consider is cognitive-behavior therapy.
Cognitive-behavior therapy is a combination of cognitive
therapy and behavioral therapy. With cognitive therapy, a person learns to
understand and change their thoughts and beliefs. With behavioral therapy, a
person learns to change specific actions. Combining these two therapies is not difficult
and have provide anxiety disorder patients with the very best results.
Cognitive therapy focuses mainly on patients recognizing
certain things within themselves. Many people are confused about cognitive
therapy—it isn’t about changing negative thoughts to positive thoughts in order
to push for happiness. Instead isn’t about changing destructing thoughts that
are often repetitive and feed into anxiety to thoughts that are more easily
controlled and do not trigger anxiety attacks.
Behavior therapy, on the other hand, focuses on changing
your actions instead. Relaxation and breathing exercises are common with
behavioral therapy for anxiety disorder patients. Another type of behavioral
therapy treatment commonly used is desensitization, which places patients in
situations that cause anxiety gradually, in order to get used to the idea and
control the anxiety.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy does not work well for
absolutely everyone. While there are many people who can benefit from this form
of treatment, there are others who will do better with other treatments. If you
are considering cognitive-behavioral therapy, you need to meet two
qualifications. First, you have to be motivated to change. If you are resistant
to change, you won’t do the work required to make cognitive-behavioral therapy
work and recovery is not possible. Secondly, you need to have access to a
therapist specially trained to deal with cognitive-behavioral therapy. Your
doctor can help you find a professional in your area.
In short, think about trying cognitive-behavioral therapy as
a form of treatment for your anxiety disorders, even if nothing else has helped
you. When you seek treatment, you put yourself on the right track for actually
feeling better. Seeing a doctor and learning about all of your treatment
options is the first step towards overcoming your anxiety disorder and
controlling your life once again.